About Azad Jan Jagaran Samiti

( An Organization for protection of Indian Rights)
About Azad Jan Jagaran Samiti
AZAD JAN JAGARAN SAMITI is A Charitable organization and non political , non religion & non government
organization.The aforesaid organization is established and working since 29th April 2011 and also recognized
under Society Registration Act, Government of West Bengal ( India )vide Registration no.S/IL/79754 and also registered and permission granted
under section 12A of Income Tax Act and approved under section 80g of Income Tax Act.vide Registration no.URN: AACAA2176N/10/14-15/S-0022 ,in under Income Tax Department , Ministery of Finance , Government of India.

As you have already know the motive and activities of our AZAD JAN JAGARAN SAMITI which is always with
the needy and poor people those who are suffering with diseases due to lack of money are always getting
the helpful hands from the Azad Jan Jagaran Samiti / organization provide free doctor check up medicine
to the needy people .

Our Azad Jan Jagaran Samiti / organization provides free meal to the needy and poor children who are
unable to have food for one time and by understanding the problems of the poorer , we always spread the
hands towards them .
Our organization also provide educational utensil like books , pencils , pen other necessary articles
with facilities as well by which the poorer can come forward and do as per their wish through education .
We as a organization find that there is no right of the poor people’s as human and poorer are being
the victim of violation of human rights , can not raise their voice as well . And use to help to raise
the voice of poorer we always try to help in getting the daily life necessary things which is to provide
for all sects and large number of peoples .
God created us with love and to spread love but after getting the maturity people becomes selfish and
run after money for selfishness . In this situation , we try to look after the humans without any
discrimination as only human .
We all the members of the aforesaid organization have hold each other’s hand tightly for getting us
more closer and in this way we all are doing for the well fare of the society. We follow the principle
that drop and drop becomes pond and from the huge , we can help to the needy and we also seek your
spreading hand to give more for the society . By which the people can get more and more and they also
remember us forever.
The aforesaid organization is going to start free medical mobile van service for reaching the needy
and poorer to their door steps.
Sir , all we are trying our level best to do our best for the needy and poor peoples and in this way
we are also facing some financial crisis and for that we all are requesting before your good self to
spread your kind helping hands towards us and save your tax by donating us through cash , net banking ,
check and draft or by other way with your PAN card number.
We all have faith that our intention is to serve for the society and reach to all levels and we will
get your help in all ways including financial help.As we have find several high profile peoples beside
us and we need you too in all aspects .
So , just think of our goal , activities , duty towards society we need your love as well as help in
financial form by which we can give our best by which we can perform as best as we can and reach the
lowest level of the society to bring back in front row and this will come true when we got your helping
hand behind us .

आजाद जन जागरण समिति आप सब के लिए एक संस्था हो सकती है , पर सच्च तो ये है कि आजाद जन जागरण समिति मेरे लिए और मेरे सभी सदस्यों के लिए ये एक आतुत संकल्प है , एक लक्ष्य है।आजाद जन जागरण समिति का जन्म सिर्फ उन लोगों के लिए हुआ है जो लोग चार दिवारो के बिच में ही अपने आवाज को दबा लेते हैं पर न्याय नहीं पा पाते । आजाद जन जागरण समिति हर पल यही कोशिश कर रही है कि हर उस को न्याय मिले जिनकी आवाज को चार दिवारो के बिच में बेरहमी से दवा दिया जाता है।आजाद जन जागरण समिति हर उस मानव की सेवा में हर पल साथ रहता जो रूपयों की कमी से ईलाज नही करा पाते ।आजाद जन जागरण समिति निःशुल्क चिकित्सा शिविर के माध्यम से निःशुल्क ईलाज कराती हो और निःशुल्क दवाऐं देती हैं ।जो बच्चों को गरीबी के कारण शिक्षा से वंचित होना पड़ता है उन बच्चों को निःशुल्क शिक्षा और भोजन आजाद जन जागरण समिति दिला रही है।आजाद जन जागरण समिति कोशिश में है कि ये सारा काम बड़े पैमाने पर किया जाय जिस की जरूरत आप सब की है।आप के सहयोग के बिना ये मुश्किल है । आप का थोड़ा सा सहयोग किसी के लिए एक वरदान बन सकता है।आप का दिल अगर आपको मानवता के नाते आप से कह रहा है कि हम लोग सही कर रहे हैं तो आप सहयोग कर के आजाद जन जागरण समिति के ईस अभियान का एक हिस्सा आप जरूर बने ।

Sanjay Kumar Shah ( Poet & Writer)
Azad Jan Jagaran Samiti

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